Friday, January 8, 2010

Soon after, Channel

4 showed a documentary called ‘Perfect Breasts’, investigating the apparently growing phenomenon of young women opting for cosmetic enhancement. The programme featured women and girls explaining how they were unhappy with their bodies, and how they ‘just want to look normal.’ Interesting. The bit I remember most is a scene of two sisters, both who’d had breast implants, eating dinner with their parents and discussing the possibility that they may never be able to breast feed a baby. The younger sister said it didn’t bother her in the slightest, that the very idea of her breasts being used to nourish a baby was repulsive. “They’re sex objects, to me” she explained with gusto, giggling, “Sex objects!” Her father mumbled nervously in protest. “Most natural thing you can do, breast feeding…” but he was soon drowned out by the chatter from the women. It struck me as humorous, strangely sad, and also telling about different attitudes to the humble breast.
continued here

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