Friday, January 15, 2010

For the last

decade I’ve used self-portraits to document my life; as awkward, as ridiculous, as painful, as erotic as it might be. This objective can be reflected in my work in an intimate, often vulnerable fashion as I work out my personal feelings and how certain things in my life affect me. The self-portrait process can be like purging emotions from my system; performing photographic exorcisms on memories I want to forget, and promises I want unmade. But beyond the process, the content of my work can express the difficulties of being a sexual woman whose naked body is instantly politicized as well as the intense loneliness of plain old heartbreak, both in a very honest way. The presence of these and other themes in my work are not only personally relevant, but are also able to capture something I believe most people can identify with. My goal is to create an image that can be appreciated as both a great photograph but also as a moment in time that is recognized in the lives of those who view it.

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