Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You know what?

I really, truly, believed that I sucked because I was a girl, that I must have some weird thing about me that I could just not understand how to write songs or to play guitar or to rock out or to sing angry, because of my vagina. Dudes made me believe it. Because all through college, they refused to listen to women making music, refused to listen to women’s opinions about music, and regarded women who were really into music as “cute.” If one of their girlfriends happened to like one of the dude-approved bands of Dude Music? It was, oh, isn’t that cute, until, oh god, she is copying me GET YOUR OWN MUSIC.The number one thing I learned from being in a band and hanging out with a lot of guys who were Very Serious about music is that basically the worst thing that can happen to the music you love is for too many women to like it, or for one woman that you know to like it real hard. Music that is good is not music that women go crazy for. If women go crazy for it, it must suck, because women have terrible taste and like all that chick shit and like shave their legs and stuff but oh my god it’s disgusting when they don’t.

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