Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This phobia has

ironically given women one unexpected, if meagre, weapon in their struggle to maintain a semblance of sexual autonomy: "The Trick". I learned about it at a college lecture I gave a few years ago. A student in the audience started talking about "The Trick" as if everyone knew what it is. And, in fact, most of the other women nodded their understanding and familiarity with the practice. Well, it turns out that women who want to avoid sex on a particular night out purposely don't shave or wax beforehand, so that they will feel too embarrassed to participate in casual sex. When I asked them why they couldn't just say no to sex, they informed me that saying no was too difficult, given the pressure to have sex, so they pulled "The Trick" on the guy. Of course, "The Trick" really demonstrates just how little sexual autonomy and control the porn culture affords young women.

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