Sunday, January 23, 2011

I do, however,

have the following disclaimer: given all the work I’ve done debunking the concept of virginity and arguing for a more inclusive stance toward sexuality, I’m conflicted about the entire idea of a “number” in the first place. I’ve never believed that it makes much sense to privilege vaginal intercourse over other types of sexual acts, especially since that discounts the experiences of those who diverge from the heterosexual norm. (And as illustrated by the story of Carlin Ross, another subject in Marie Claire, not everyone who does diverge necessarily identifies as gay or bisexual, but may nonetheless view same-sex encounters as equally satisfying and formative experiences.) So while being honest about our “number” might be a good start toward becoming comfortable with our sexuality, I think it’s wiser to encourage women to talk more openly about their sexual histories in general, whether or not the acts involved include that narrow yet murky concept of “sex”.

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