Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gemma also wondered

in her note to me whether her “feminism is undermined by [her] thoughts on [her] own body”. I don’t think that’s the case at all. If anything, her experience with navigating this issue probably only strengthens and enhances her feminist beliefs, because it gives her a way of applying what she might have only understood in the abstract. There’s so much pressure to look a certain way that even a professed feminist buckles under the weight. And have you ever read an interview with an aging actress on her career prospects? It’s incredibly sad how even genetically blessed people feel like they have their entire life’s work riding on such superficial criteria. But while women universally struggle with issues like weight and aging, few realize that they’re not alone in having these kinds of body-negative thoughts. Which is why I’m admitting now that I’m pretty much as susceptible to these messages as you are. Sadly, body image is an all-too-relatable example of how the personal is very much the political.

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