Friday, May 14, 2010

The world of

modeling is a strange little bubble. You work because you look a certain way, and you keep doing it because every once in a while you are told that you are the most beautiful girl in the world. The high you get from a successful photo shoot is difficult to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it. The emotional toll can be devastating too, but for some, modeling can also provide a shelter from the critique that comes from the world outside the industry. It is easier to hear "you are not right for this job because you don't have boobs" than "you are too thin to be beautiful." The girls whose confidence improves due to modeling get hooked on the industry because it makes them feel accepted. Essentially, you feel like you belong because you look like a freak. In the meantime, the rest of the world will continue telling you you don't belong because of the way you look.

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