Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sometimes, most of

the time, there is a lot of shit going down in the world. And you get stuck reading about twenty different horrible things that happened this morning. And you’re reading five different opinions on some controversial subject and they all make good points and you don’t know how to feel about it. And you’re signing petitions and you even decided to email your MP about something that just really pissed you off. And you’re getting increasingly worried about the state of the world, and you’re starting to really lose faith in humanity and all that crazy shit and then you start thinking about how huge the universe is, and then you start getting scared and think maybe you should just go back to bed. Forever. And you close your internet and are about to shut off your computer when you see this picture on your screen. And you remember that there existed a moment when all you were thinking about was twisting a soft pink bra strap back into place. And sometimes, that can be all you need to restore a sort of balance in your world.

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