Friday, December 11, 2009

It’s amazing to

me how many men feel that women, just by contradicting them, or by not focusing all their attention and energy on them, are being actively assaulting, hostile, and conceited. Women for a lot of guys are by definition the one group of people you’re always better than, and so they live their days feeling provoked and frustrated and insulted, even thought they might not be able to articulate it. If a woman disrespects you in public, she’s emasculated you. She doesn’t even have to raise a voice or a hand. She just has to turn her back on you or refuse to tolerate being treated like shit. And then some guys go, “Oh, I WOULD HAVE treated you fine, but you objected to me treating you like shit, so now I’m going to treat you like shit.” And then I bet they say that if those stupid women would just take common precautions, they wouldn’t get raped.

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