Monday, December 7, 2009

How do so

few people realize the ridiculousness of the fact that the absolute worst insult you can throw at a woman means "YOU LIKE SEX!"

I know, indoctrination. I used to think that there was nothing in the world worse than being a “slut” or “whore,” too. Granted I was like 16, and it does kind of amaze me that more people don’t grow out of this, but I get it. When you’re told your entire life that a woman’s entire worth rests on not being a “slut” or a “whore,” it can be hard to think otherwise. But when you spell it out for what it is — that accusing someone of liking sex and (omg!) having sex acts as the ultimate insult — it just starts to look well and truly bizarre.

How I’d love to live in a world where sex was not seen as such a disgusting and degrading thing. A world in which such an insult doesn’t even begin to make sense. Because it sure as hell doesn’t make sense to me.


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