Sunday, December 27, 2009

15 Things You

Should Never Apologize For:

Ordering a real dessert
Someone else’s bad day
Ditching a bad lover
Having a crazy family
Buying into your horoscope
Really wanting a boyfriend
Being a self-promoter
Investing in your looks
Having a high “number”
Changing your mind
Being inexperienced
Hoping your children will be cuter than your friends’
Sticking to a budget
Only doing things online that you’d do in real life
Being happy

THE ONLY time I apologize is when I hurt someone (physically or emotionally) and I am genuinely at fault. Women need to stop apologizing for every fucking thing, like for occupying space and for yielding to their desires, for example. FUCK IT. Eat that cake, kiss that boy/girl first, laugh REALLY loud, take up space and enjoy it. Oh, and don’t regret anything.

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