Friday, June 18, 2010

What then to

make of the new study showing men 18-23 are actually more torn up by the end of relationships than women of that age group? Even the researchers seemed surprised by this result; that’s how strong the stereotype that young men don’t get invested in intimacy is. The reason isn’t that men are more tender-hearted than women. Both sexes are, gasp, human beings and therefore are sad when they lose a relationship. The reason that men have trouble bouncing back is that our culture doesn’t create enough room for men to heal. Men are discouraged from having close friendships where they can talk this stuff out (at least when they’re younger), and they’re encouraged to put on a stoic face and bury pain deep inside. It’s no surprise to many of us here, I’m sure, that a little crying it out can aid recovery. That men aren’t given that space is just another example of how Patriarchy Hurts Men Too (PHMT).

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