Monday, June 14, 2010

For women, the

whole thing appears to my untrained eye, ridiculously subjective. Is this skirt too tight? Is this neckline too low? Is this too expensive-looking? Colors. Fabrics. For a woman like Ms. Lorenzana, who is very well blessed in the looks department, it is even more complicated. She has to balance her desire to look as fabulous as possible while being careful not to "provoke" men from being distracted by her beauty. It's always up to the men to determine if she is succeeding or not. My wife has told me of her struggles as she is also rather generously blessed in the measurements. No matter how hard a woman tries, she never can quite get it right. Too frumpy? Too bitchy? Too sexy? I go through these questions during our morning dress. Me? I smell the underarms, check the collars, if its not too wrinkly, I put it on.

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