Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Don’t you hate

it when you get all dolled up, you do your hair, with hairspray and everything, and you even used some of that make-up you have so much of but never use, and you think maybe you’ll take pictures, and you try and you try, but it all looks and feels so stupid and so wrong but then you realize that you are almost 27 years old and you aren’t that girl from 7, 5, even 2 years ago, and these are not the sort of pictures you take anymore. You realize it’s hard to play dress up, it’s hard to be anyone but yourself anymore; as if you’ve settled into your mold and grown into all the different parts of you that always existed waiting for you to fill them out. You are not the girl who wears make-up, uses hairspray, and tries on all the clothes she never wears anymore; you are the woman who lets her hair be itself, (though now she uses very expensive shampoo), you are the woman who puts on mascara when she remembers it, you are the woman who is most comfortable wearing nothing at all. Like right now. Because after all that frustration, disappointment, Solomon Burke on repeat, realization, and then reassurance, you needed to take a shower. Don’t you just love that?

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