Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The video my

husband and I made is up now—all by itself. I'd like to add submissions from other gay and lesbian adults—singles and couples, with kids or without, established in careers or just starting out, urban and rural, of all races and religious backgrounds. (Go to www.youtube.com/itgetsbetterproject to find instructions for submitting your video.) If you're gay or lesbian or bi or trans and you've ever read about a kid like Billy Lucas and thought, "Fuck, I wish I could've told him that it gets better," this is your chance. We can't help Billy, but there are lots of other Billys out there—other despairing LGBT kids who are being bullied and harassed, kids who don't think they have a future—and we can help them.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quiet down I need to make a sound


I like my sugar with coffee and cream


Don’t you hate

it when you get all dolled up, you do your hair, with hairspray and everything, and you even used some of that make-up you have so much of but never use, and you think maybe you’ll take pictures, and you try and you try, but it all looks and feels so stupid and so wrong but then you realize that you are almost 27 years old and you aren’t that girl from 7, 5, even 2 years ago, and these are not the sort of pictures you take anymore. You realize it’s hard to play dress up, it’s hard to be anyone but yourself anymore; as if you’ve settled into your mold and grown into all the different parts of you that always existed waiting for you to fill them out. You are not the girl who wears make-up, uses hairspray, and tries on all the clothes she never wears anymore; you are the woman who lets her hair be itself, (though now she uses very expensive shampoo), you are the woman who puts on mascara when she remembers it, you are the woman who is most comfortable wearing nothing at all. Like right now. Because after all that frustration, disappointment, Solomon Burke on repeat, realization, and then reassurance, you needed to take a shower. Don’t you just love that?

What would you say if I just fell asleep


Sunday, September 12, 2010

I know it’s not broken but it can’t be fixed


I actually don’t

know if that’s true, but the closer I get to standard marrying age, the less I think it’ll ever happen — first because I think marriage is kind of a crock, and second because I’m becoming fairly certain that there just isn’t anyone out there who I want to be forever bound in marriage with.

I remember sitting

at the MTV awards while Adam made this speech and feeling so fucking proud of him. I also recall it being totally humid outside and realizing I had my period on the way there in the car, but that’s another story. This clip is total punk rock/performance art to me. I mean, getting up at a totally superficial fake hugs bullshit event like this and being vulnerable and talking about something REAL is no fucking joke. We left 5 minutes after this because it was so far beyond the “who farted?” feeling, it felt like people were gonna kill us.
Hard to believe it was over ten years ago. He is even cuter now if you can believe it.


Not being assaulted

is not a privilege to be earned through the judicious application of personal safety strategies. A woman should be able to walk down the street at 4 in the morning in nothing but her socks, blind drunk, without being assaulted, and I, for one, am not going to do anything to imply that she is in any way responsible for her own assault if she fails to Adequately Protect Herself. Men aren’t helpless dick-driven maniacs who can’t help raping a vulnerable woman. It disrespects EVERYONE.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some helpless lines night by night


I’m so afraid

of losing you. I don’t ever want you to go. I know you’re always here, but I can’t read you like I can most people, and it bothers me. I wish you would tell me you love me, because I would have no problem saying it back. I think about you all the time. I don’t know how to tell you without ruining our friendship. If I can’t have all of you, I need at least some of you, so I’ll hold my tongue for now.

You don't have to say very much


You’re singing to the sun


Life of the party somehow


The Non Affair

You'll never defeat me


You Can Cry

Talk when it's time


I am somewhat disorderly


Love Remains

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Can we be

honest here, for just a minute? I asked him breathless, looking up from the floor, because I’d just fallen off the bed (which explained his worried look), after he’d just given me a really fantastic orgasm (which explained why I was out of breath).The falling off the bed was embarrassing but I thought I could save the moment with the sound of some other type of falling.

You don’t make

girls stop starving themselves by telling them not to starve themselves anymore. You do it by making them not sad anymore; by giving them something else to value, to hope for, to aspire to.

ACNE has joined

forces with Candy magazine to launch a new collection targeted at transvestites and cross-dressers.

Unless the gaze

is ultimately a queer gaze. Perhaps the mags are extending an offer of sexy pleasure in the direction of other women. Why isn’t it me as the reader of the magazine that is making the ladies in the ads want to come?

There's a chance you might learn who you are


Saturday, September 4, 2010

In my head

I am thin. I just haven't quite got there yet. As I was growing up, it was made clear that the fat me wasn't welcome, that a thin person was expected and awaited, and impatiently so. Of my parents' four children, I was always known as the "fat one". They had longed for a girl, following two boys born in quick succession, and were thrilled when I finally arrived. As I well know, having longed for a daughter myself, when one dreams of having a girl one does not picture a fat one – no one does. Hopeful parents picture a sweet, pretty (regrettable, but true), adorable little thing who'll be cuddly and affectionate in the way boys, post-babyhood, are rarely expected to be.

I just deleted your number from my phone
