Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear Mom Right

now what’s making me feel good is being here in California with my friends and community and mentors and worldview-bending conversations with wildly diverse people who are helping shape my life and my choices more than any institutionalized class ever could. I’m living well and cheaply, having adventures and conversations and breakthroughs, making new friends and strengthening old friendships.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Frances Boldereff


You said in Tarrytown that no man can endure absolutely alone no matter how strong he is and I agreed.

You saw the elephant in the zoo and you can describe that torture to me as a dance—I understand how you admire those graceful strong creatures—but zoos are places of torture, symbols of man’s blindness, and that you could bear to watch that white eye and not falter, is the explanation of how you can treat me in such a blind way.

The human thing is made of blood. Sometimes what is needed is not words—it is the sight of a human eye. I need no sex now—I am far too torn for that. I do need you.

If you cannot come to me now Charles when I need you not out of weakness like all the others you mention—not out of lack of strength (I curse the hour which taught me my terrible strength) but because I need human—I need to see the eye—the words are just like thin odorless water to me—who is not a salmon but a woman.

If you cannot come Charles I want you to spell out at once without delay for any reason whatsoever—why—I want spelled out for me in ABC language why you can’t come.
I need you.

I will never again have such need—and that is an accurate statement—it is not hysteria. I want to know in all details—all details exactly why you do not move to me now.

If my faith were not so deep—I would simply leave you, because I am proud and I hate to beg. I want to have written out for me in childish language what do you mean by “hold”—you are not holding anything for me—you are destroying deep precious knit cells in my body and my spirit.

So what does it mean? It is the most deep thing of faith Charles that I am willing to ever ask you—

I crucified myself to write that Easter letter. God knows I did. And I am now in extremis.


Nina Ricci




There's nothing left to say


From the first day I saw you


On Time Travel and Romance


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My boyfriend and

I are getting ready to go out to dinner. Let me re-phrase that: I'm at the bathroom sink getting ready, and he's leaning against the bathtub watching me put on my makeup. We're talking and laughing, when I realize that I've been gesticulating with my concealer, rather than putting it on my face, for several minutes now. I go to put it on, and then pause, glancing at his reflection in the mirror. I'm hesitating. For no good reason, I know I won't feel comfortable putting on my concealer while he's in the room. He's not meant to see this. "Are you sure you want to see how the magic happens?" I joke. "Wouldn't you rather just imagine that I look that this good without even trying?"

the worst of

all, though, was when i went to the TA for help with a particularly thorny problem. i explained the issue and where i was stuck. the TA responded “i’m not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you when you’re never going to understand it anyway.” he then picked up the phone to schedule a mechwarrior outing with a group of male students from the class.

Knowledge Machine

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crafts For A Cause

My name is Binki Shapiro, and I play in the band Little Joy. In an effort to raise money for the relief efforts in earthquake-devastated Haiti, I've rallied a bunch of artists to contribute custom-made artwork -- t-shirts, tote bags and other personalized items -- for the Crafts For A Cause auction. All proceeds will go to Artists for Peace and Justice, an amazing charitable organization founded by my dear friend Paul Haggis.

Vampire Weekend
Natalie Portman
Regina Spektor
Adam Green
The Strokes
Bright Eyes
Fleet Foxes
No Doubt
Jenny Lewis
Norah Jones
The Mars Volta
Le Tigre
Spike Jonze
Devendra Banhart
Aziz Ansari
Shirley Manson
Cat Power
Mark Ronson
Daft Punk
Grizzly Bear
Tegan & Sara
Kate Nash
Kevin “Spanky” Long
Liv Tyler
Frankie Rayder
Maroon 5
No Age
Drew Barrymore
Fran Healy of Travis
Red Hot Chili Peppers
...and more


Money doesn't buy happiness. Except when it does -_-

Emilie Autumn


Hello Kitty


I promise I won't turn this into a Hello Kitty blog.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shine On

De battre mon coeur s'est arrĂȘtĂ©

Happy endings and earthquakes


That's a Bentley.

Women, we are

told by clever psephologists, will put the next man in Downing street. It is futile to point out the irony, a tad sad, old feminist too. Forgive me if I do, just the same. All the leaders of the main political parties are male. We are the king makers and breakers but it still has to be a King.

Psephologists is a fun word.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

hold on a

second. these kinds of things make me uneasy, because it’s so difficult to draw the line as to what should be regulated and what shouldn’t. for example, i can easily see someone arguing that the sledge hockey fight video i posted yesterday was offensive and something they did not consent to view, but i would have a real problem if someone told me to turn it off in a coffee shop. recently for work i needed to do some research on hernias that involved looking at a lot of photos of people with really extreme hernias. i myself was a bit overwhelmed by those photos and would have been shocked and displeased to see them by accident in a coffee shop. and what if i were looking at a site arguing that whites in the US should all be rounded up into camps for war crimes against native americans - that would likely offend people also.

Love To Live

I do not

love; I do not love anybody except myself. That is a rather shocking thing to admit. I have none of the selfless love of my mother. I have none of the plodding, practical love… . . I am, to be blunt and concise, in love only with myself, my puny being with its small inadequate breasts and meager, thin talents. I am capable of affection for those who reflect my own world.”
— Sylvia Plath

Journey Through Your Mind's Eye

Friday, March 19, 2010

All of this can be broken


In most African

countries, more than 90 percent of the population lives off the grid with no access to electricity. And if you’ve been to Africa, you know that almost that many people play soccer whenever they get the chance. But it took four young women to realize that all the energy being used on the field could be used to power people’s homes.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Survival Story

Juicy Pink Box

We collaborate with artists and visionaries to achieve a high standard of quality. Achieving an elevated aesthetic is central to our work. We do not script dialog; all the reactions in the film are natural. We are inspired by classic cinema, iconic photographers and progressive fashion trends.

One neighborhood


Well, 2010 is

looking to be another great year... except Sex, Dreams and Denim Jeans got pushed back to May or... Christmas??????? It's been four..FOUR years since Pop the Glock?!?!

The Beat Is

Head First

I want those gloves she's wearing in Rocket.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

we can do

the same thing with a lot of other observed conditions. victims are routinely blamed for their rapes or sexual assaults. 8 states have over 20% of kids under 18 living in hunger. lots and lots of people are homeless. these things are commonplace. which means that they are acceptable to the status quo - the government, the voters, the people. because if they weren’t generally accepted, they wouldn’t be commonplace.

<3 Abby

Never rock the mic with the pantyhose


Porn For Women


Which, sure, sounds

bad. And yet, I find, it continues not to be any kind of deterrent. You are just going to keep playing poker, apparently, and you are going to play it like it’s the only game in town. Because who doesn’t like a game of cards; because you never know if you’ll get a good hand; because you could walk away with more than you had when you walked in. Because there is always, somehow, despite all the ridiculousness of the genders and the ways they are expected to relate to each other, the possibility of winning.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Did you know

that Rwanda has the highest number of female MPs of all countries at 53%? Imagine living in a country with a female majority! Well, here I am again thinking that another male-dominated field needs challenging.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Double Diamond

Ring the bell


I must become a lion hearted girl


“I think people

are wrong when they say that sex and love HAVE to be together. I figured out why me and E have good sex. Physically, we’re in love. Our bodies are perfect for eachother, we satisfy eachother’s sexual urges like we were born for one another. And we’re not really like that personality-wise. But that’s okay! I don’t know why that’s a bad thing, and why everyone looks down upon it. Just because mentally we’re not in love doesn’t mean it’s emotionless sex. It’s not. It’s kinda like our bodies have emotions. Like our minds don’t particularly click, but our kisses and heartbeats and waves of sex drive do. What’s wrong with that???? We’re not USING eachother; we just have a connection that is very hard for people to understand. If they saw us together, they would know what I mean. I’m fine with it, and I think it will go on as long as it takes for me to find someone I have mental AND physical perfectness with, because that’s what I need to be in a relationship…And as long as I got one half, why give it up because OTHER people think its morally wrong? I mean, I wish me and E had both, but it’s been clearly established that we don’t, so fine. It doesn’t automatically turn into a bad thing.”

Another must read.

Don't touch her there


Saturday, March 13, 2010

APPARENTLY. Because, you

know, I actually don’t care how your vagina looks. Not really! I hope you enjoy the look of your vagina, really I do, and I support whatever it is you’re doing - waxing, “sugaring,” vajazzling, decorative Riot Grrrl-esque barrettes - to make your vagina feel fancy and important when it goes out on the town. BUT THIS?

For fuck's sake


The only way

any of us can change anything outside ourselves is to make changes inside. If you want women to pick up some checks, then date self-supporting, independent-minded women -- or just date women who are givers, not takers, by nature. If a woman continually sits on her hands while you pay, then stop seeing her.

Friday, March 12, 2010

There Is No One Else When I Lay Down and Dream

Falling into dreams


Men who think

women are less than need to hear that they're terribly, infuriatingly, and demonstrably wrong from other men. Publicly. Passionately. As loud as the loud, so very loud, voices on the other side. One of the ways their self-reassuring bullshit works is via the effective void of male dissension, which supports their erroneous belief that they are the "objective" arbiters of womanhood. Well, if we're so wrong, where are the other people [men] to say so? they wonder smugly.

A must read.

Then you wonder where your money went


I'm hiding from the world


Ultime Realite

For 900 euros ($1,226), clients of Ultime Realite ("Ultimate Reality"), a firm in eastern France, can buy a basic kidnap package where they're bundled away, bound and gagged, and kept incarcerated for four hours.

I want the friction



Tim Westergren recently

sat in a Las Vegas penthouse suite, a glass of red wine in one hand and a truffle-infused Kobe beef burger in the other, courtesy of the investment bankers who were throwing a party to court him.

What Abby said.

Ed Ruscha Beach Towel
