Friday, February 5, 2010

I was sitting

in the bathroom at work. I do that a lot. It’s like taking a break, so I act like I have to go all the time. My co-workers probably think I have an overactive bladder, but truthfully, I’m not even sure they notice when I’m there, or when I’m not. All I do is listen to my iPod, file files, highlight things, and emboss stickers. I make 12 dollars an hour and work 8:30-4:30, Monday to Friday. I eat my lunch at my desk. I get a lot of paper-cuts. I look out the windows from way up there on the 31st floor and wonder exactly how hard I’d have to hit the windows so that they would break and I could fall through. They’re double paned though, so probably it would take more effort than I can muster. Anyway. I was sitting in the bathroom, checking Twitter, when I get a message from my best friend.

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