Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pubic hair comes

in different colors, different textures, and different patterns of distribution. Vaginal canals (the part that can be fun to stick things in) have different textures. Labia come in different colors and sizes. If a woman wants to keep all of her pubic hair and nurture how wild it is or get rid of it completely, that is her choice. Whether a woman has light pink inner labia or dark purple inner labia, labia minora that reach outside of the majora and wave around like a flag, labia minora that are all tucked up inside in a way that looks kind of like a coin slot or absolutely anything in between, her pussy (in my opinion) is inherently beautiful.

I’m convinced

that a great deal of this dynamic has to do with attachment and our essential desire to connect deeply with other people. Because our experiences of sensation are contextual – what in one context might hurt in another context may arouse – we can put nearly any sensation in an erotic context and experience pleasure. And what could be more obvious as an erotic context than one where you’re asked, as the submissive, to abandon all control, relax into absolute trust (ie, turn off the brakes) and experience sensation? Or where you can allow yourself to tune in your partner and create a context SO erotic that even the burning sting of a whip or a paddle feels sexy, treading that precarious line between pleasure and pain, so attuned to your partner’s mind and body that you know exactly what to say and do?

Deep 6 Holiday


Also, I Am Not Lefthanded - The Fire and the Sigh

Monday, April 18, 2011

My cunt is

not a prize to be won with wealth or game, it is not a gift given out of gratitude or insecurity. My cunt is for my enjoyment and pleasure, and for other people's enjoyment and pleasure. I fuck because of the sea-green color of your eyes, or your sweetheart smile, or the way you move your hands that reminds me of someone I've loved and lost; I fuck because I like the books piled three-deep on your shelves, or a joke you made that had me laughing for five minutes straight, or the look of concentration you get when you're shooting zombies in Left for Dead 2. I fuck because I love you with a passion that scares me, and because the idea of hurting you makes me shake in fear; I fuck because you're cute and I have nothing better to do.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Songs of Love for Japan

SOLFJ is a three-day, 72-hour flash sale of great music for a great cause. The cornerstone of the sale is a $100 compilation of 100 rare and unique songs donated from 100 leading artists. To sweeten the deal, we will randomly gift concert tickets, signed CDs and other one-of-a-kind items to purchasers of the 100-song compilation throughout the three-day sale. For those that still want to help Japan but lack $100, we will offer a sampling of 20 great songs for $20.

Thao & Mirah - S/T

Another Top 10.

These things are bigger than we are


Thursday, April 14, 2011

I have been

blogging for free since 2006. I never ask my readers to donate money. I’m asking now because this is really, really important. If anything I’ve ever written has made an impact on you, please show your gratitude by donating to this cause. To me, reproductive justice is not just about the legal concept of “choice”. It’s about making sure that real women have the means to exercise choice and autonomy over their own bodies. These 28 women are just one small portion of the many individuals in our nation who don’t have a real choice. Please help give them one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tigs - Cut With Fire



I'm From Barcelona - Forever Today

Frank Ocean - Nostalgia/Ultra

Kesennuma fishery building


Secret Cities - Strange Hearts

There’s basically two

ways to get rid of the question mark: have sex OR make it explicitly clear that you’re not going to have sex (which is awkward, but turns out to be more necessary than anyone ever warned me about. The number of times I’ve had to say, “We’re not going to have sex tonight,” boggles the mind. What is the DEAL with men [and it's always men, never women, in my experience] assuming sex is going to happen, just because we’re making out or because we’re in my home or because I teach about sex? That assumption is the psychological equivalent of bad breath. Go home and fix that, and then maybe we’ll talk. Maybe.)

Sometimes I want to disappear


He kissed me true and gentle


Black Devil Disco Club - Circus

The Submarines - Love Notes/Letter Bombs

Definitely in the top 10 of the year.