Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yoko Devereaux

Her last words to creator Andy Salzer were allegedly, "Andy, you cunt—you are nothing. I am legendary."
continued here

<3 Yoko D

When sex is

ecstatically loving, orgasm is not discontinuous with what precedes it, but rather is an explosively felt intensification of full-bodied mutual happiness, an overwhelmingly blissful explosion throughout our entire being, streaming, rushing, and expanding with delicious force and abandon as if from our very core, pouring and flooding up through our heart (sometimes even beginning there), both enveloping and expanding our body from the inside out, until we are but sentient energy in profoundly loving, indescribably intimate communion with our partner.
continued here

Natalia Vodianova


Christina Aguilera

I’m such a sucker for Dirty-era Christina. 22 years old and lusty as hell. I love all the hoots & whistles she put in her hair, how she wore layer upon layer of glossy lipstick and had many piercings in many places and wore very little clothing. I love how unashamed she was of the stage she was going through. All girls in their early 20s should go through a phase where they wear tiny scraps of cloth, playfully romp about, and be totally unabashed. Well, I think all women at any age should be totally unabashed, but why not start in your early 20s and begin experimenting with who you are as a person, try a little bit of everything, start to form your personal identity, and don’t every apologize for what you attempt and what you enjoy.



What about a man

that believes in slow wet kisses? What if he likes sex long and soft? Does that suddenly make him feminine because he believes in foreplay and delaying the moment of climax? There is a reason why performance anxiety exists. Just as some women fear being seen as the aggressor least it be understood as an indicator of morality, some men fear not being able to live up to the hungry sexuality that is constructed as naturally male.
continued here

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shin Murayama




Girly Men

This book tells the story of how it has become fashionable to attribute pathology to millions of healthy male children. It is a story of how we are turning against boys and forgetting a simple truth: that the energy, competitiveness, and corporal daring of normal, decent males is responsible for much of what is right in the world. No one denies that boys’ aggressive tendencies must be checked and channeled in constructive ways. Boys need discipline, respect, and moral guidance. Boys need love and tolerant understanding. They do not need to be pathologized.

It fills my head up and gets louder and louder


Somalia is in the grip of famine

and chaos but officials there are inspecting bras
continued here

When I was a student

at Cambridge I remember an anthropology professor holding up a picture of a bone with 28 incisions carved in it. “This is often considered to be man’s first attempt at a calendar” she explained. She paused as we dutifully wrote this down. ‘My question to you is this – what man needs to mark 28 days?
continued here

Saturday, October 24, 2009

you said keep walking or I'll kill you




i will never be a rockstar.

i will never be rich.

i can’t take back my tenth birthday or the love i felt for you. there are no words for the hands that’re running all up with a liar’s veins, voice, words moist, so moist i believed. i believed that my best friends wouldn’t lie to me.

i will never be what the world wants me to be or have sex right. i will never open my door cuz in the eyes of the law it means i just spread open my legs and closed my eyes and said “c’mon in.” and i will never explain this to anyone i like cuz it’ll get used against me. the fact that i am not dead makes me an open target for murder. i swallowed your pride, i swallowed your heart, i swallowed your cum, guess that’s all part of it. there’s no justice and i’m really mad that people keep acting like there is. i don’t want to be a girl eaten up by your world, how can i watch girls eaten up by your world? how come i get hit and no one sees it? how come, bloodied, i am explaining to the man who hit me what he has done? why am i taking care of him, why oh why do i still love him…?

if you took away this lipstick, would i still have a mouth underneath? is it true i’m only crying because i’m afraid to go to sleep? i will never be rich, not cuz rich doesn’t matter, but because i am crazy because i am full of hate… crazy means you don’t give a damn what anyone thinks.

when i was little my parents sent me to charm school and ballet. i don’t remember what recital it was fat-stomached and eight years old i was getting photographed in a bikini and a crown. now i’m crazy, fulfilling the american dream and being hated for it, they are just jealous. i don’t care.

i am in protest against the whole world. my body says it, slung into my clothes. i won’t stop talking, i’m a girl you have no control over. there is not a gag big enough to handle this mouth. i’m gonna tell everyone what you did to me. and sometimes i’ll tell it dramatic and sometimes i’ll blurt it out. and the hand you laid on my bare ass will be invisible as it spills right out of me. i will still bear the brunt of it, your smell. they will tell me i am inappropriate with their eyes. i’m not writing to please you, i’m not giving you a clean little hole to stick your dick in, a nice smooth arrangement.

pick me up, open me, put me down.

so sorry, i’m no hemingway, i’m writing for survival, my kind is being killed off, in fact i’m not even sure i exist. these words on this page mean something, if only that i was here and my fingers made this mess. i don’t know luxury, what it is to be carefree. that was your fantasy, remember?


Marge Simpson poses naked for Playboy

In other words, one of The Simpsons' targets has long been our culture's inability to come to terms with women's empowerment – or, indeed, to locate that power anywhere other than in the arenas of sexuality and maternity.
continued here

I got butter but I aint got bread


There are lots of broken fingers


Friday, October 23, 2009

Veritas RS III


Father's rights

When I googled ‘fathers’ rights’, I came up with 14,200,000 results. When I googled ‘battered women's rights’ I found only 910,000 results.
continued here

FCC commissioners support open Internet rule

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO, Oct 22 (Reuters) - U.S. communications regulators voted unanimously Thursday to support an open Internet rule that would prevent telecom network operators from barring or blocking content based on the revenue it generates.
continued here

Don't grease my palms with your filthy cash


Real women wear flat shoes

There were no bondage shoes at all. Nor were there many ballet flats, those flimsy little numbers with papery soles, sending shock waves up your spine every time your foot hits the pavement, making your calves scream.
continued here

Monday, October 19, 2009

Jessica Watson

Earlier this year, a Dutch court ordered 13-year-old Laura Dekker to be placed in temporary state care to prevent her embarking on a similar solo attempt. Ms Watson was inspired by Jesse Martin, an Australian who sailed around the world at 18. In August, a British schoolboy, 17-year-old Mike Perham, completed the same voyage but only after pulling into port three times.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Would it kill you to be civil?

Nice Guys TM, you see, pretend that we don’t live in a culture that systematically deprives women of power; they think (or rather, they pretend to think) that interacting with women is just a matter of being civil. I’m so nice, but women don’t like me! They say “think about me and you” as if we didn’t know that they could unleash the wolves at any second. They think women on the train are secretly doing everything — using a cute netbook, sitting there looking pretty — in order to snag their attention. They’re nice, not like those other guys — how dare you lump them in with the worst of their gender! You’re just like all the other girls.

Looks like this xkcd comic is causing some waves...

I like your pink shirt,

but I don’t want you to judge me and I’m insecure when it comes to my masculinity because of society’s standards of what counts as being a man.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Conversations, hesitations in my mind


Michael Kimmel

here and there

Watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion


The fact that so many intelligent,

well-intentioned people feel compelled to abide by the dictates of this awkward, ill-conceived paradigm has nothing to do with the biological constitution of men, and everything to do with a deeply-rooted social paranoia of being perceived as “unmanly.” Boys will be boys, it’s true; but largely because they are horrified of being girls. What we need right now, in the face of this self-destructive sexism, is precisely the courage to be “girls,” and to reject “tough” policies forged in the semi-conscious cellars of gender neurosis.
continued here

You're writing a fairytale and in it is truth


Warmed my voice with a Figaro


Issei ni egaita e ni


Things you only know if

you're singlethat “I love you” may mean: I want to love you; I love this; do that again; don’t leave; I feel I should love you; I love ****ing you; my previous boyfriend/girlfriend would never have done that; I’m sorry; I appear to like you more than all the others; shush; do what I want; you are infuriating; this silence embarrasses me; I have to go; I feel old; I feel responsible; I feel obliged to love you back; help me; I’m ending this; life without you may be preferable, but would be terrifying, rudderless, unknown; everyone else seems to love you; I love the look of you; stop shouting; I’m punching above my weight; I would appear to be in some way addicted to you; seeing you with someone else makes my chest hurt; there must be a reason why I have never felt more awful; I think about you as a way of not thinking about something else; I hate you; that song is playing; you cause me more pain than other people; I’m tired of being on my own; it’s comfortable having you around; I am sick of everyone else coming in two by two; you fit the definition of someone I might be expected to love; you appear to love me; I’m exhausted so this will suffice; loving someone makes me look like a functional human being; you make things easier while not yet having become an albatross about my neck; I’m tired of myself; Christmas/Chanukkah/Kwanzaa is coming up; I love myself in your company; you pay me the requisite attention; I relish our sense of conspiracy; you are a(nother) glorious and necessary distraction from my inglorious and unnecessary existence; you unnerve me; you raise my game; say that you love me.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

J'apprendrai le froid des phrases


The angels warned me never to fall down


Curls up with a book about organized crime


Because for the rest of

your life, they will control how you feel about...
continued here.

Take off that dress, you won't freeze


And you know there's a knot in my chest


What's a girl to do


I’ve got all the boys


It's you and me potentially

More here.

[Like many women,

I used to think] I’m not good enough...
continued here.

There is a way

to touch another person...
continued here.

Philly Fashion Week 2009

More here.



Princess Elizabeth
